Baking & Cooking

Back in 2013 when I rediscovered the fun and enjoyment I got out of baking, I was spoilt for choice with recipes to try out and skills to learn. At that time, theme cakes were just beginning to become popular in Germany and while at the beginning I marveled at the sugar fondant creations which often looked just like edible pieces of art and just too beautiful to eat, I later moved on to decorating cakes without the fondant covering. Especially as most of the time, it was peeled off and thrown away. Since I gave up eating meat and dairy products, the vegan recipes have increased over time as well.

Erdbeeren und Sahne | Strawberries and Cream

English Ein Klassiker Der Geschmack des Sommers: Erdbeeren und Sahne. Geschmack pur. Und die perfekte Möglichkeit, eine pflanzliche Sahnealternative ohne die geschmackliche Ablenkung von anderen Zutaten auszuprobieren. Mit den Produkten von Alpro habe ich schon

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Zitronen Cupcakes | Lemon Cupcakes

English Was ich beim Bloggen wirklich unterschätzt habe? Die Zeit! Nicht unbedingt die Zeit, um zu backen oder zu basteln, aber die Zeit, um dann alles aufzuschreiben. Und dann noch zu übersetzen. Während ich in

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