Beyond Baking

I am a “Jack of all trades” type of girl. I enjoy baking, making crafts, getting my hands dirty in the garden, and am passionate about animal welfare and environmental issues. And loads more.

“Loads more”. Not really enough to start with a new blog and as I enjoy blogging whilst nibbling on some biscuits or cake it’s all really connected as Dirk Gentley would say. 

Pimp deinen Blumentopf! | Pimp your flower pot!

English Letztes Jahr hat unser Vermieter uns eine schicke neue Terrasse gelegt. Schöne anthrazitfarbende Steinplatten. Da sehen die meisten meiner Blumentöpfe leider ziemlich schäbig drauf aus. Ob nun aus Ton oder Plastik – kein schöner

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